
Dry Eye and Ocular Rosacea — What You Should Know

Jul 13, 2020

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Dry Eye and Ocular Rosacea — What You Should Know

While rosacea is commonly associated with the effects it has on your skin, causing redness around your face, this inflammatory condition can also impact your eyes. In fact, 6% to 18% of those with acne rosacea also have ocular symptoms, including dry eye.


At Beverly Hills Optometry, we routinely help our patients overcome the discomfort and frustration of dry eyes caused by rosacea using the latest treatments available. For example, we offer iLux™, LipiFlow®, TearCare®, and intense pulsed light therapies, which are extremely effective in addressing meibomian gland dysfunction.


For more immediate relief, we also supply you with specialized dry eye drops to keep your eyes well lubricated.


If you’d like to learn more about combating dry eye caused by rosacea, book an appointment today,