
Rinsada: Unveiling the Power of High-Flow Irrigation for Lasting Ocular Surface Relief

Apr 16, 2024

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Rinsada: Unveiling the Power of High-Flow Irrigation for Lasting Ocular Surface Relief

Dry eye disease (DED) and ocular surface disease can significantly impact a person's quality of life, causing discomfort, irritation, and visual disturbances. Managing these conditions effectively is crucial for ensuring long-term ocular health and comfort. One innovative solution gaining traction as a dry eye treatment is Rinsada, an irrigating lid retractor designed to cleanse the ocular surface and provide lasting relief to patients.

What is Rinsada?

Rinsada is an irrigating lid retractor that delivers a high-flow irrigation solution to the conjunctival fornix, palpebral conjunctiva, and bulbar conjunctiva simultaneously. This unique device targets ocular surface biofilm, allergens, and irritants, addressing the root causes of DED and ocular surface disease. In fact, the device was shown to statistically reduce a common ocular surface inflammatory marker,  MMP-9 as well as improve patient symptoms. In the findings, this technique was superior to a standard eye rinse.

How Does Rinsada Work?

Rinsada's high-flow irrigation system allows for the simultaneous cleaning of the conjunctival fornix, palpebral conjunctiva, and bulbar conjunctiva. This comprehensive approach ensures that the entire ocular surface is treated to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

The in-office device's unique design also enables it to target and remove ocular surface biofilm, which can contribute to the development of DED and ocular surface disease. By eliminating these harmful irritants, Rinsada helps restore a healthy tear film and promotes long-term ocular surface comfort.

Benefits of Rinsada for Patients

Patients experiencing DED and ocular surface disease can benefit from Rinsada treatment in several ways:

  • Immediate relief: The high-flow irrigation system provides patients with instant comfort, reducing discomfort and irritation associated with these conditions.
  • Long-lasting results: Rinsada's comprehensive approach to treating the ocular surface ensures that patients experience sustained relief from their symptoms.
  • Non-invasive: Unlike some surgical interventions, Rinsada is a non-invasive treatment option, making it a more accessible and appealing choice for many patients.

Rinsada is an innovative solution for managing DED and ocular surface disease, offering immediate and long-lasting relief for patients. By addressing the root causes of these conditions, Rinsada has the potential to revolutionize the way eye care professionals approach the treatment of DED and ocular surface disease, ensuring improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of life.

If you're struggling with these conditions, schedule a dry eye consult or treatment today. Click here for a list of our other advanced in-office procedures.