
Natural Nordics - Fish Oil Supplements for Healthy Eyes

Jun 16, 2016

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Natural Nordics - Fish Oil Supplements for Healthy Eyes

Numerous studies show nutrition can produce favorable visual outcomes. For example, a carotenoid based supplement from company Nordic Naturals called Pro-DHA Eye can benefit a patient who is suffering from dry eye. Pro-DHA Eye also helps patients who may be light sensitive or photophobic. Nordic naturals have several supplements that are specific to patients needs, ranging from the High-Intensity support ProOmega to the Pro-DHA with Lutein to the pediatric specific DHA Junior supplements. Nordic Natural products are concentrated omega-3 fish oil supplements in triglyceride form, which are different from the majority of fish oil supplements that are made in ethyl ester form. The triglyceride fish oil supplements are absorbed by the body 70% more than ethyl ester fish oils, which means it is both more efficient and more effective in providing the body the essential nutrients it needs. Nordic Natural supplements are available at Beverly Hills Optometry along with other products and services. Visit our website at http://www.bheyeguy.com to learn more.